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Unsibscribe from quattro list!!! (fwd)

Thought you'd like to see this one.  It qualifies for
my annual "most interested misuse of majordomo" award...

| Dan |

Forwarded message:
>From garry1@online.ru Thu Sep 11 05:59 EDT 1997
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Date: 	Thu, 11 Sep 1997 13:59:27 +0400
To: dans@ans.net
From: Isupoff <garry1@online.ru>
Subject: Unsibscribe from quattro list!!! 
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Content-Length: 555

Dear friend!
Unknown to me the person has signed me on a your Quattro list , 
and now I as last idiot receive whole this delirium. 
But here paradox - the system for any reason does not give me relogin
I convincingly ask you to help to me in this question - and hands (!) to
clean me from the Quattro list  of dispatch. 
Otherwise, when in Russia there will come an evening, and in Puerto Rico
the heat of a labour day on you will begin to be strewed MBYTES of the
letters. It I guarantee!
Yours faithfully, Igor Isupov, garry1@online.ru