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Re: ANS and the future of the list

> Once I have a domain, I need to set a machine, get an internet
> connection that is up all the time and large enough to carry
> all this traffic.  Just to give an idea of costs, we're talking
> $10-15000 in hardware, and about $600-800 a month for the
> connection.

Well, getting something for nothing is always nice but eventually the
piper turns up for his well earned supper... Let's see, in about one
year I've learned many more subtle details about my Audi, from hundreds
of people scattered over the globe, found a good parts car when I needed
an engine, found a nice interior, unloaded various parts I don't need,
and perhaps most important have the comfort of a resource which can in
all likelihood save my ignorant butt in the next confusing Audi crisis. 
That's got to be worth $20 or 30 a year.

I guess the key is, how many listers will become true "subscribers"? 
There are what, 1200 or so on the list now?  The list will cost 15,000
up front, about 8,000 a year to stay on line, plus whatever hardware,
software and time costs are incurred in maintaining it.  So at a 75%
subscription rate, that's $16.67 up front and $8.89 a year.  So a $20
joining fee plus $10 a year would cover it and be damn cheap at the
price.  50% sign up would mean at least $25/15, which still isn't too
bad.  Gosh, you save that every time you get a good deal on plug wires
or an OXS... and far more when avoiding an unnecessary expensive fix.

Survey time?

Huw Powell
HUMAN Speakers


ignorance is only as powerful as the desire for bliss...