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RE: Oil drain plug

From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Phil Payne

>If I go to my dealer and ask for a filter, the washer is placed on the 
>without comment.

If your dealer is anything like a bike shop that I used to work for, there 
will be special instructions for new employees corncerning how to deal with 
particular regular customers. Our list included the very rich ones, the very 
knowledgable ones and the ones that were a general PITA. One of our customers 
was listed under all three headings.

I would think, Phil,  that your instructions contain, - 'if he wants a filter 
always include on of these washers' and 'dont try to tell him which part 
number he needs'.

I'm certain that I appear on two or three lists in the York area, but I wonder 
which heading I'm listed under?

Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro