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European Car reaplacment?
Hey Audi enthusiasts!
McMullen Argus just threw a new Mag out to the News Stands, it's named VW
power, and this first "test" issue mainly has reruns of old articles.
They're trying to feel out if there's a market for what the old
VW&Porsche was. I have yet to purchase a copy, though I'm assuming it's
all VW. I, for one, would love to see it include some bitch'n Audi cars!
and have the proper name of VW/Audi (or Audi/VW if you must) Power. As
I'm definetly an enthusiast of both.
If you are interested, drop an e-mail to european car, I'll dig up their
address, it's at the MA website I'm sure. They need feedback if this is
too be. Let's get the mag we want and desreve!
93 Corrado VR6 3.0L