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Problems with 86 5KTQ

I would appreciate any help with the following problems:

1.  Water and fogging in one headlight.

2.  Rear control arm bushings need replacement and cause clunking.  I
replaced tie rod already.  	Estimate for bushings was very expensive.  Any
suggestions on a cheaper fix or if I need to do it 	at all.

3.  Rear brake calipers are problematic.  I took off caliper to inspect
pads that are in need of replacement.  After re-assembly the pads rub on
the rotor and do not allow it to rotate freely.  It also makes lots of
noise.  Suggestions until I can replace pads and I may still have same
problem since new pads will be much thicker.

4.  I need to replace right front control arm due to a bad ball joint.  Any
pointers and level of difficulty.

5.  Radio shorts or cuts out periodically and them will come back on.  Any
ideas if I should research head unit, speakers, antennae or amp.

6.  ABS line in rear is completely severed.  Did not look at front but ABS
does not seem to be working when I brake.  Cost of fix?  Do-it youreself
job possible?

Thanks to all who respond.