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Re: Behavior of failing bomb?

Jim, as I understand it, you may be having an internal leak in your system
caused by a leak within the bomb.  Have someone start the car as you watch
the pentosin resevoir. Does the fluid level fluctuate?  If it does then it
appears that you have bomb that is failing. There are some who would say
change it and others who say you can keep going with it as it is.  Since it
is connected to the braking system I guess I would change it if the fluid
level fluctuates and the red triangle warning light comes on occasionally.


>From: JIM_WARREN@HP-FtCollins-om4.om.hp.com
>Subject: Behavior of failing bomb?
> Can anyone confirm the behavior of a failing bomb?  Sometimes my bomb 
>     passes the "pump the brakes test" fine after sitting overnight.  (I 
>     can get 35-39 pumps out of it before I loose pressure.)  On other 
>     mornings I have no brake boost at all.  Is this intermittent behavior 
>     typical of a failing bomb?  Is there anything else that could be 
>     broken (like the booster unit behind master cylinder, or should I just 
>     buy a new bomb and replace it myself.  I hate to spend the money on a 
>     new bomb and not solve the problem.