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RE: My Baby
From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Ralph Poplawsky
>parked all alone in an isolated area.
I always use an area that is well lit and not too far from the most popular
I well remember seeing the remains of a Ford that had been 'safely' parked at
the York Warner multiplex. The owner had used the most isolated parking space
of 500, and in an area where the floodlights didnt work. He and his girlfriend
watched 'Cliffhanger' and then returned to find that despite regular patrols
by security guards his car was minus 4 alloy wheels, three windows were piles
of glass chips and all the ICE equipment was missing. To add insult to injury,
visible to all were a series of red leds blinking away to indicate that the
alarm was armed.
Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro