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URQ after-run fan. Can someone e-mail me the solution?
If the fan ain't running period - likely problem is the big
resistor under the radiator. Try running a 12V line direct to fan.
If fan
runs, most likely this is it. You have sep relays for lo, med, hi,
with a
sep thermoswitch for lo and a 3 wire for med, hi. Only common
part is that
big ol' resistor.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
True, but if the fan doesn't come on with the AC, you could
have the dreaded aux. relay panel meltdown (v. common to
UrQ's), which wouldn't allow you to test the high speed mode
of the fan unless the car was majorly overheating, and then it's
too late. It could be the thermoswitch in the radiator, that
controls low and medium speeds as I recall. It could also be a
loose connection behind the fusebox (BTDT) which cuts power
to low and med speeds but not to the high power. I would
check the fan operation with AC on. Look at the Aux relay
panel in the dash and see if you have meltdown. If you don't
then it is probably the big resistor. Good luck.
Andrew Finney
1983 UrQ.