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RE: "Renew" vs. "Replace"
From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Alex Kowalski
>we're a bunch of language-bastardizing philistine ninnies
This is self-evident, but it would have been impolite of us to be first to
mention it. :-)
Being a southerner living and working in Yorkshire I suffer a plethora of
misinterpretations in both vocabulary and phonetic pronunciation every day.
e.g.. the word 'bastard' - In Yorkshire 'bastad', southern 'barstard'.
'glass', Yorkshire 'glass', southern 'glarse'
even worse is the use of 'while' to mean 'until'.
And to cap it all, my email spell-checks in American and resists all attempts
to educate it. :-)
Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro