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Stupid Airbag Repost

Was this just overlooked in the fray? I thought you guys would have more
opinions than just one response. FLO (feeling left out)

>Frankly, I think if the government is going to legislate mandatory
installation of airbags by manufacturers, (which requires me to pay
extra for the vehicle even if I don't want the bags) then the government
should also take the responsibility/liability for any injuries or deaths
the airbags may claim. Same goes for motorcycle helmets, seat belts,
mandatory auto insurance, etc.

If a government is going to continually stick it's nose into private
business, then they should shoulder the proportionate responsibility
when things don't work as planned.

Before you all write me and say bad things, let me say I do favor some
of these things (like car insurance, for example) but like car insurance
if the government is going to require it, then the government should
make certain everyone who needs it can afford it. 

Likewise, injuries and fatalities resulting from a government mandated
"safety" device that doesn't work in ways the beaureaucrats didn't think
far enough in advance to evaluate all possibilities. 

The government has no business playing advocate big brother for the
special interest lobbyists in the name of saving us from our stupid
selves. And if you look at it, there are many things people do where
there isn't enough monetary gain to require safety equipment. I don't
believe skydivers have to wear helmets by law, do they? How about rodeo
cowboys? Kids riding in back of pickups and even without helmets
(although some states have laws on this, not all do). 

OK. Political soapbox dismantled. I'm stepping down now. Sorry Dan, for
the wasted bw but the resigned acceptance of people today is woefully

Now I've done it. Wasted more bw with a repost to an original complaint
nobody can do anything about anyway. Sorry, again.