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Re: 10a fuse looks like a spare?

>On my Coupe GT, there is a fuse in the fuse block that is not identified
>in the chart sticker under the cover.  It is at the end of a row of
>fuses, all others of which seem like they are spares.  This fuse,
>however, is not a spare, and it's plug that it rests in actually has
>contacts in it.
>What does this fuse do?  It's strange that it's not identified.

It is labeled, count the number of fuses on the main row and then you 
will see that there is one less than the number listed in the manual.  If 
i remember correctly, as i have not looked in the manual lately, is that 
that is for the fuel injection system electronics.  I think that is 
listed as number 24 or something.

Michael Sheridan Williams

My new one: 1985 4000 S Quattro
163,000 miles

1985 Coupe GT
163,000+ miles
