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Re: C-GTlopin' update

>> Those compression numbers look REAL wrong to me.  I just bought an '85
>> Coupe GT two weeks ago, we did a compression test before I bought it (thte
>> guy was REAL nice!).
>I won't buy a car without doing one.  End of story.

Hmmm ... I've never done one *before* buying the car.  I guess it has to do
with the price ... in my case, the cars I buy are cheap enough that I have
to snap them up before someone else comes along!  Based on my friend's
experience with pre-purchase inspections by mechanics -- most of which
failed to turn up what I consider to be rather obvious problems -- I'm not
sure it's money well spent unless you don't do any of the work on your cars
yourself and/or have no mechanical aptitude.  YMMV, of course...

    _                _
   / |      _| o    | \       _| o   Jeffrey Goggin
  /__| | | / | | __ |  | | | / | |   audidudi@delphi.com
 /   | |_| \_| |    |_/  |_| \_| |   http://people.delphi.com/audidudi