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C-GTlopin' update
In message <01IO78XK5SXU90SDNN@delphi.com> audidudi@delphi.com (Jeffrey J. Goggin) writes:
>> Another thing to check is that all the warning lights have bulbs in
>> them. I've met two people recently who've bought cars that were
>> showing permanent warnings - one brakes and one engine warning - but
>> the sellers had removed the bulbs to disguise the fact.
> Well, you've got me there ... of course, I doubt any pre-purchase inspection
> would have caught this unless the underlying problems were also discovered.
Yup. Look in the owners manual and it tells you which lights are
supposed to come on before the engine is started. Switch on the
ignition, and look. You don't see the brake warning light, the engine
management light (where expected) or the OXS light? Start walkin'.
> Perhaps in the UK, sellers don't mind you poking and probing around their
> cars but that's certainly not the case with private sellers here in the US:
> I once had one refuse to let me jack the car up with the floor jack I
> brought in order to take a good look underneath; another wouldn't let me
> touch anything under the hood! I can only imagine their reaction had I
> asked them to lift the carpeting or remove a piece of trim to check for rust...
They want _my_ money - they do as _I_ say.
Phil Payne
Phone: +44 385302803 Fax: +44 1536723021 CIS: 100012,1660