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[Fwd: Re: {TCar} Audi at the Tourist Trophy meeting]

from the touring car list...

On Thu, 25 Sep 1997 07:46:09 +0100, David Pipes
<david@plusone.demon.co.uk> wrote:
>I was told last weekend at Silverstone that Audi wish to bring a
>collection of quattro competition cars to the Tourist Trophy meeting at
>Donington (18/19 Oct) as a way of saying 'Goodbye' to the quattro.
>A DTM V8, 80 competition, IMSA 90 quattro and WRC S1 are among those due
>to make demonstration laps. Drivers 'appropriate' to each car will be at
>the wheel.

....... (speechless)

Now if they could just make that S1 the Pikes Peak car complete with
full house engine and subtle-as-a-brick aero kit :o)

                        mail: nigel@redshoes.demon.co.uk
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