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Re: New Audi 20V web site

Bob D'Amato wrote:
> Eric Renneisen wrote:
> >
> > >>> Ramana Lagemann <elmool@tiac.net> 10/01/97 11:14pm >>>
> > >Sorry to waste the bandwidth, but the very beginning phase of my web
> > >site is up. You all can preview it before it get's it's own domain
> > >(www.20V.com).
> > >http://www.tiac.net/users/elmool
> >
> > Can we now decide that [Ramana's 20V site] may now be a threat to the
> > existence of [mine]?
> >
> > :^)   :^)   :^)
> >
> > Sorry for turning your own words against you, Ramana.
> > (20V listers not on the mother list have my permission to look confused)
> >
> > BTW, what are you trying to hide on your rear fenders?
> >
> >
> Talk about timing... Eric... you mentioned you were going to get
> 20v.com? I applied for it last week...it wasnt taken at the time. Its
> not a problem if you want it. It may not have gone through our interface
> to the NIC yet...if not, want me to cancel it? let me know..I dont want
> to step on anyone's toes...
> Bob

Great guys, just great... thanks for royally messing up my master plan
;^) ... (no negative referance to other list members intended:*) 
Seriously, though- maybe we should all have a 20V web ring? For my site,
at least, I was planning strictly modifications such as wheels, tires,
suspension etc etc etc... I figured that since Eric has done such a good
job compiling and paraphrasing all of the maintenance aspects of these
cars, I would just concentrate on modifications. Bob, where do you stand
in this? 
I think thoughts, comments etc will be appreciated by all of us... 

Another twisted idea- we could all gang up on AudiCar and bring the
power back to the "non commercial" Audi enthusiasts...
* Ramana Lagemann		          	
* Cohasset, MA			 
* mailto:elmool@tiac.net
* 1990 Coupe Q	