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(Lack of) Parts from Audi
In message <40.109532.700@channel1.com> cobram@Channel1.Com (Cobram) writes:
> If you've gotten this far, I'll be sending AUDI a letter
> about this, and the U$15.00 hose they sell for U$280 that
> doesn't last more than 14 months. If you have any suggestions
> about any other content that might be worth including, please
> email me, or if it's pertinent to other Audi owners post here.
> I really need to get behind the wheel of the ole V8Q again to
> remember that maybe all this is really worth it.
You could also point out that high spares prices increase the attractiveness of
stealing vehicles to break for parts, lead to higher insurance premiums and
depress residual values. Tell 'em also, as they should damn well know, that
once they get a reputation for _ANYTHING_ (e.g., unintended accleration) that
it's damned hard to get rid of it - and they're getting a _ROTTEN_ reputation
for spares pricing and delivery in the UK. Brand separation is making things
_MUCH_ worse, as well.
I'm on the fourth day of a wait for a 10c bulb that's going to cost $10 - but
without which my ur-quattro is _ILLEGAL_ (no speedometer - it's a backlit LCD
Phil Payne
Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club