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The Audi good luck totem
Subj: FW: good luck totem
Date: Mon, Oct 6, 1997 11:49 EDT
From: ClausenL@bv.com
X-From: ClausenL@bv.com (Clausen, Lise (LK))
To: woo19754@bv.com (Woollard, Peter J.), 00143rot@bv.com (Rotherfield, Pat
(PJ)), 00190bri@bv.com (Brimelow, Tony (AJN)), 00669str@bv.com (Strutt,
Justin), caswell@prl.research.philips.com (Anne Caswell),
dae@hrwallingford.co.uk (dae@hrwallingford.co.uk), demascal@glam.ac.uk
(demascal@glam.ac.uk), Keith.Clausen@def.bae.co.uk (Clausen, Keith),
SeanMcD@erols.com (McDonald, Caroline), WBITTRICH@aol.com (WBITTRICH@aol.com)
Hmmmm, sorry if you don't like chain Email.... but what the heck.
From: Pals, R.D. (Dick)
To: Clausen, Lise (LK)
Cc: Stolinski, Theodore J. (Ted); Ford, Lisa D.; Henson, Jeffrey (Jeff);
Kobylinski, Edmund A. (Ed); Sandino, Julian; Analla, Howard A.; Spitzer,
Philip L. (Phil); Bushouse, Mark D.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Monday, October 06, 1997 10:03AM
Priority: High
From: Wagner, Erica J.
To: Pals, R.D. (Dick); Unkenholz, Tanya R.; Blackwell, Penny J.; Gupta,
Nicole; May, Kathryn P. (Katy); Meegan, Jenny L.; BeckyT929@aol.com;
Kati Beers; Schulz, Kyle; Walker26@IAState.edu
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Friday, October 03, 1997 10:35AM
Priority: High
Best of luck!
From: Capps, Beverly K. (Bev)
To: Ashmore, Janet L. (Jan); Perry, Kathy S.; Stamm, Joellen M.; Van
Meter, Michelle M.; Wagner, Erica J.; Withers, Rosalie A. (Ann);
Atchison, Anne M.; Fitzgerald, Suzanne; McBee, Marilyn K.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Friday, October 03, 1997 10:15AM
Priority: High
Good luck to you all
From: Anderson, Janet A.
To: Yost, Mindy; Wright, Johnny J. (John); Knapp, Lisa; Guthrie, James
L. (Jim); Monter, Kent D.; Byrd, Andrall L.; Thomas, Jean A.; Scott,
David L. (Dave); Capps, Beverly K. (Bev); Gambill, Margaret A.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Friday, October 03, 1997 8:25AM
Priority: High
My wish to all of you.
From: Ward, Kim A.
To: Ulekowski, Michael J. (Mike); McCullough, Kim M.; Anderson, Janet
A.; McGurn, Lawrence S. (Larry); Sharitz, Pamela L. (Pam); Cummins, Mary
Beth; Hibbert, Cheryl C. (Cheri); Donnelly, Michael J. (Mike);
Carothers, Ginny K.; Gratwick, Emilie B. - Travel
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Thursday, October 02, 1997 2:36PM
Priority: High
I've always been a believer that anything is possible . . . so I thought
I'd take two minutes to send some "possible" good luck to those who have
made me smile lately, or possibly had to deal with me on a "not-so-good"
day! BEST OF LUCK! (whether this message really works or not!)
From: Hawkins, Kelly A.
To: Boe, Jennifer B.; Kolda, Bridget C.; Wilson, Pamela J. (Pam);
Becker, Maggie A.; Davis, Michael D. (Mike); Fazio, Roy C.; Grimes,
Margaret M.; Abdelbaki, Stacie A.; Harper, Jacqueline L. (Jackie); Ward,
Kim A.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Thursday, October 02, 1997 7:40AM
Priority: High
From: Garner, Patricia L. (Pat)
To: Brown, Sonya; Lewis, Charles G. (Chuck); Sandford, William H.
(Bill); Barbee, Jerilyn H. (Jerri); Hawkins, Kelly A.; Buckner, Julie
R.; Unkenholz, Tanya R.; Hurd, Cynthia (Cyndy); Shafer, Michael B.
(Mike); Skaggs, Jill
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Thursday, October 02, 1997 6:45AM
Priority: High
From: Kane, Gail M.
To: Garner, Patricia L. (Pat)
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 2:50PM
Priority: High
From: Engleman, Carol S.
To: Vogel, Sherry A.; Barnett, Brenda K.; Mitchell, Linda K. (Linda);
Koch, Jacklyn L. (Jackie); Clark, Lynne M. (Lynne); Thayer, Joyce J.
(Joyce); Scully, Alisa K.; Abrahamson, Sonja L.; Kane, Gail M.; Strain,
Stacey R.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 1:34PM
Priority: High
From: Wickham, Janet S.
To: Engleman, Carol S.; Langum, Kenneth E.; Sifuentes, Bill; Docutech
Printing @ R Building
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 12:38PM
Priority: High
From: Webster, Anita L.
To: Johnson, Marsha M.; Wickham, Janet S.; Johnson, Naomi R. (Ruth);
Guillaume, Michelle R.; Fanning, Jeanne A.; Terry, Connie S.; Hobson,
Albert J.; 'Boyce, L.L. (Lisa) '; 'Edwards, B.A. (Beth)
'; Foster, C. Daniel (Dan)
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 10:57AM
Priority: High
From: King, Julie A.
To: Wickham, Janet S.; Webster, Anita L.; Martin, Gina M.; Williams,
Teresa; Wren, Stephanie L.; Wakefield, LaRae D.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 10:38AM
Priority: High
From: Coco, Annemarie T. (Maria)
To: Luelf, William C. (Bill); Boyce, L.L. (Lisa); King, Julie A.;
Joslyn, Stacie A.; Leskinen, Martha P.; Sportsman, Patricia C.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Tuesday, September 30, 1997 11:52AM
Priority: High
we all can use some luck
From: Turkington, Theresa A.
To: Jefferson, Marva J.; Coco, Annemarie T. (Maria); Klotz, Cindy M.;
Stewart, Cathie J.; Roth, Jude O.
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 10:01AM
Priority: High
Thought we could all use some Good Luck!!!!
From: Owens, Diana S.
To: Robinson, Heather; Malik, Angie; Hannah, SuAnn M.; Lacy, Alison E.;
Childers, Shannon; Turkington, Theresa A.; Vallacqua, Lynette; Menke,
Carol D.; Hurd, Dolly A.; 'Nancy Wolf'
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Friday, September 26, 1997 9:23AM
Priority: High
What the heck--we could all use some good luck--why not give it a shot!
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> # \/ /|* *|\\
> # \/ ( * )//
> # =====
> # (\ |/)
> # || ||
> # . -'| |---.
> # '---' ----'
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>This totem has been sent to you for good luck. It has been sent around
>the world nine times so far. You will receive good luck within four days
>of relaying this totem.
>Send copies to people you think need good luck. Don't send money as
>fate has no price.
> Do not keep this message.
>The totem must leave your hands in 96 hours. Send ten copies and see
>what happens in four days. You will get a surprise. This is true, even if
>you are not superstitious.
>Good luck, but please remember: 10 copies of this message must leave
>your hands in 96 hours...
>You must not sign on this message...
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From: "Clausen, Lise (LK)" <ClausenL@bv.com>
To: "Woollard, Peter J." <woo19754@bv.com>,
"Rotherfield, Pat (PJ)" <00143rot@bv.com>,
"Brimelow, Tony (AJN)" <00190bri@bv.com>,
"Strutt, Justin" <00669str@bv.com>,
Anne Caswell <caswell@prl.research.philips.com>,
"dae@hrwallingford.co.uk" <dae@hrwallingford.co.uk>
To: "demascal@glam.ac.uk" <demascal@glam.ac.uk>,
"Clausen, Keith"
"McDonald, Caroline"
"WBITTRICH@aol.com" <WBITTRICH@aol.com>
Subject: FW: good luck totem
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 10:44:00 -0500
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