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RE: No s4 or s6

This might explain why the salesperson at my local dealer didn't know
what an S4 was!

(Sunset Audi, Portland, OR)

	-----Original Message-----
	From:	colin cohen [SMTP:102621.2256@compuserve.com]
	Sent:	Monday, October 06, 1997 4:40 PM
	To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
	Subject:	No s4 or s6

	There seems to be a misguided opinion on the list that Audi AG
wants to have a
	sporting image in the US. Facts just dont support this assertion
and nor does
	AoA. In fact most of the so called sporting efforts mongst the
German OEMs are
	originated by add on maunufacurers and developers. Sure the
factories all over
	the world get in on the act, but only where they exist. Thus
Audi is able to
	support a sports program in Europe, South Africa, and soon I
believe Brazil,
	but until they have a US factory, I dont think we are going to
see a serious
	attempt to be sporting.....and hence no S6 or S4. So says AoA
over a few brews
	admittedly, but it has a real ring of truth methinks..