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Re: ABS query.

. . . earth to Langan.
To own an Audi is to have a desire to: enjoy driving the machine, and . . .
part with hard earned cash in ever increasing amounts.  From threads on
this list,
it appears that as the model number increases you can expect a
corresponding (exponential)  increase in maintenance costs.  Anybody wanna
challenge this?

MJ Murphy (slow on the straights, quick on the corners 89 100).

> From: LanganFF@aol.com
> To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: ABS query.
> Date: Thursday, October 09, 1997 8:27 PM
> Several weeks ago . . . <LARGE SNIP>
> PS I'm thinking of buying a 93 V-8 with 75,000 km. WOuld it be expensive
>  keep on the road?