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5KCSTQ Starter problems

Thanks to everyone that responded to my quandry regarding removing the
starter from my '875KCSTQ.  It was indeed just a case of needing a
bigger hammer.  

	I tackle removing the starter again last night armed with the
reassurance of the list that the two bolt that I had removed were indeed
the only two.  So I crawled under the car again and used a big flathead
screwdriver and hammered it in between the starter and the block.  After
the 4th or 5th good wach, the starter fell right off!

	Bench tested the stareter and got nothing, zero.  Dropped it off this
morning at the shop to get it rebuilt and will reinstall tonight.

	Thanks again to everyone that responded!

Paul Luevano		|   AMA #418487	|  '97 CBR 1100XX (Streetbike)
luevano@alum.mit.edu	|   CCS #898	|  '94 CBR 600F2  (Racebike)
Waltham, MA USA		|   NMA #116657	|  '87 5KCSTQ     (Winter)
________"Man's purpose is to live, not to exist."-Jack London_________