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4ks erratic oil pressure, more questions

I've attacked the oil pressure gauge on my 4ks first to see if it may be
trying to fool me.  Does anyone know what resistance the pressure
transducer (sender) should show at zero pressure and full scale(5 bar)?
My gauge reads full scale at 188 ohms and well below zero at zero ohms.
I would expect the transducer  would go to zero ohms at zero pressure
and if it does  it may explain my low pressure.  I priced a new sender
from Audi at $150+, yikes.  Is there anything magic about the VDO sender
used by Audi other than the light switch?  Could I use a standard VDO
sender and a generic switch in a "T" fitting? If I get an answer on
resistance I can answer this myself.  I'm getting ready to remove the
sender and test it separately with air pressure.

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