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Re: New Americans and New Russians

On Tue, 16 Sep 1997 00:42:08 -0700, you wrote:

>Hello, fellow listers!
>I have been away for the weekend, doing a presentation on converting the Audi
>cooling sys to Zero-Pressure racing coolant at the Mid-Atlantic Quattro Club (and
>where got elected to the Club's VP, ta-da! thank you very much). Upon my return, I
>logged on to retrieve some 108 messages from the list, and, lo and behold, in the
>very first one someone named Natalia Dubrovskaya wrote:

>Also, once in a while fellow Q-heads from Russia (or from one of the republics, which 
>the former USSR was comprised of) surface on the list. I used to greet them off-list, in 
>Russian,with all my heart, offering help and advice. In_no_instance_ever (!) did any of 
>them respond as if I were contagious. 
>OTOH, I have developed great friendship with most Russian-Americans here on the 
>List, with whom we constantly exchange direct mail in both languages. As well as with a 
>number of fellow listers from the US as well as from other countries, most of whom 
>This dissonance makes me go: Hmmm….. There is something about fellow Russians, who 
>live back in the Metropolis, which makes them very different from the Russians here in 
>the Colonies.

Hey Igor, take it easy. They're simply jelous they didn't make it out of
Motherland :) Matter of fact I had to deal with the same attitude of russkies
visiting London (I used to live in the UK for few years). Calm down, the last
thing you want is to pay attention to  "sovoks" barking at you :)

George Gerasimov         
Fidonet: 2:5020/368.33              
IRC #su.cars Chaos  
ICQ UIN 2537617     

"Daddy, daddy! What does "Formatting drive C:\" mean?"