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Re: Clutch replacement

 # 	What a timeley post.   I'm considering tackling the clutch on an '87
 # 5ksq.  Does the same apply?  Anyhting else to be carefull of?  Is it a
 # fairly straightforward procedure for someone who is fairly mechanically
 # inclined?
... I would imagine that the procedure is fairly similar, but I'll bet 
there's a difference or two.  If you've got a turbo motor that may make 
things different, and there's always that steering rack!

The one thing that I know for sure is that the clutch centering tool for 
the 5kQ is different than that for the 4kQ.  The latter required a tool 
that was exactly the same as the one I had for my old Audi Fox.  I have 
had some trouble getting a line on a tool for the 5k ... and would appre-
ciate any help that any other listers can provide on this.

While we're at it ... does anyone know if the urQ is like a 4k or a 5k in 
the clutch splines department?

I just remembered one other recommendation I left out of my earlier post 
... the pilot bearing.  I was burned by this one once before, so I always 
replace the pilot bearing whenever I separate the tranny from the engine.  

One other possible difference on the 5k is that you might seriously want 
to consider replacing the rear main crank seal while you're in there ...

HTH, and please let us know what you find when you tackle the project!

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)