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Re: A8 Electronic Speed Limitation?

On 10/15/97 13:19:47 you wrote:
>Having said all this, compared to the Gestapo chilled driving
>atmosphere in Colorado, driving briskly in Montana is a much
>more relaxed experience.
>DeWitt Harrison     de@aztek-eng.com
>Boulder, CO
>88 5kcstq

Please feel free to come drive I-95 in the NE (or MD).  There's no joy here either, and the nearest track I know of is in WV.  The sad part is my car 
keeps calling "faster, faster,..." and I can't oblige, well, not as often or carefree as I'd like.  I thought NHSTA had given up on the "Speed Kills" 
line.  I kinda hoped speed tax enforcement would ease a little too.

Even thought they have speed limits in Europe, in my experience they seem a little more reasonable about it.
