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Help! My tranny's bad???

Hello all,
I recently aquired two project cars, and '84 CGT (which needs a new front clip)
and '86 CGT.
well, the '86 needs a lot of work but is tagged and inspected so it is my
daily driver until I fix up the '84.
Well, I have been noticing a whine and is not direction related (wheel bearing)
every time I save some cash for the '84 the '86 breaks.

it is constant at all speeds in neutral, any gear. I am thinking this
sounds like the tranny area. Note, it is not audible with the windows down
yet. But is it going to get that far? I am NOT having any problems with gear
selection. But I DID notice a lot of play in between the two wheels from inside
the tranny. Does this generally mean I am going to have to get a used 5-speed?
If so, anyone know of a cheep source?
Will a 5-speed work out of the 5cyl quantum?
Will an '83 coupe tranny work? 
I know of one in the wrecking yard that I coule aquire for around $100
w/30 day warr.
Please, keep in mind I have a low budget $300 a month after bills.
I need your help on this, is this my tranny and if it is,
How long do I have left??
BTW, the car has over 200K on it.
Rich Andrews
'84 CGT (needs some body work)
'86 CGT (needs a lot more)