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Lite Adjustment
Geez, each Euro-lights on my car (originally from 1984 5KQ)
simply has two 1" diameter knobs for adjustment. One controls L-R,
one is Up-Down. The Up-Down one also has a small lever sticking
out. Flip it and the lights drop down about 20 degrees - just right
if you decide to load the trunk with cast iron antiques or tow a
trailer which lowers the back end. (Neither of which I've done, so
don't start....)
I've had these apart, and each knob is mounted to a threaded shaft.
Twist the knob and the shaft screws into or out of a plastic fitting
attached to the reflector. Simple.
Easy to aim, too. I just use a brick wall at a nearby store (at
night) as my aiming surface - mark the wall with masking tape for
aiming/reference point, aim as per directions in my Haynes manual,
remove tape and skedaddle.
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843