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RE: Very light throttle bucking

ISV. Your Audi isn't *that* old, check the electrical connections, 
otherwise soak it in carb cleaner a half a dozen times, and you should be 
back to normal.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Ford [SMTP:sean@nwh.org]
Sent: Wednesday, 22 October 1997 2:52 PM
To: Audi
Subject: Very light throttle bucking

Q-list query alert!
  I've noticed in the last few days a strange bucking at very light 
This has become most noticible in secondary road traffic (the kind that 
seems to be moving at 35 mph) where you are almost coasting along. It's 
apparent, almost like driveline lash (if it were a motorcycle I would think 
chain was loose), when lifting off the throttle.

  Examples: I'll be driving along, anywhere below 2500 rpm, and when I lift 
the throttle, there's a secondary "bump" or jerk. Or... I'll be driving 
someone who begins to slow down, I slightly lift off the throttle, but not
completely (just below maintaining road speed), and if the rpms drop to
somewhere between 1800 rpm and ~ 2200 rpm, I can feel a slight bucking, 
like a
series of the aforementioned bumps/jerks.

  Does anyone have any idea what this might be?

Sean Ford
sean@nwh.org                       '92 Audi 100CS 5spd 29K mi
Newton-Wellesley Hospital      '89 Suzuki Katana 600 14K mi
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)      http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/5528