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RE: Manuals/Bentley vs. Haynes

IMO the Haynes would be fine.  It seems to be a little more tutorial
than the Bentley- which I believe assumes some amount of knowledge.  The
wiring diagrams in my book for the 4ks were pretty accurate. HTH.
chris perry

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Mark L. Chang [SMTP:mchang@ece.nwu.edu]
>Sent:	Wednesday, October 22, 1997 12:28 PM
>To:	Quattro List
>Subject:	Manuals/Bentley vs. Haynes
>Which manual is better for the mechanically un-inclined?  I don't plan on
>ever doing hard work on the car, like clutches, trannies, and the such...
>but I would like enough info to do some re-wiring and enough diagrams and
>pictures to know how to take apart the dashboard and center console for
>stereo, speaker, bulbs, etc...
>So, for like $15 for Haynes, and $90 for Bentley, should I just get the
>Haynes for now?
>                    [PGP] finger mchang@ece.nwu.edu