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Re: The Apology

On Thu, 23 Oct 1997, Gross Scruggs wrote:

> I was wondering who would do that, and I hereby proffer a megabyte sized apology
> to the list for my lassitude in dealing with matters electronic.  I raise my
> virtual hand in acknowledgment of the "ready... FIRE... aim..." foul on number
> 144.


You Sir, are a scholar and a gentleman.  If only yours was the typical
response to a flaming.

If my vote counts for anything, your offense rates the 'wool underwear'
penance at a maximum.  What say ye, gentlemen of the jury?
 _____                                                         _____
( ___ )-------------------------------------------------------( ___ )
 | / | Mark Reis       reis@ccnet.com | mreis@us.oracle.com    | \ |
 | / | Danville, CA    http://www.ccnet.com/~reis              | \ |
 | / |                                                         | \ | 
 |___|  "'Never know when you're makin' a memory" - RL Jones   |___|