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Re: Makin' Whoopie

At 9:35 PM -0500 on 10/21/97, Robert Myers wrote:

> Yes.  A fairly new ad has a couple parked in an A4 Avant.  They park at a
> scenic lover's lane type place overlooking a body of water.  The car rocks
> and bounces to the accompaniment of groans and gasps, etc.  Finally the
> couple emerges from the tailgate clothed in their wet suits.  :-)
Yhea, you'd understand if you ever tried to get into one on a regular basis.
The joke among divers is that you burn more calories getting into the suit
than you do actually diving...

On the note about commericals, I've felt this way about Apple commercials
too...really neat when you catch them, but there's no way to get them from
somewhere(until now!  Apple commercials are available on the net all over
the place, including the really spiffy "Think Different" ad.)

What I'd really like is a net archive of Audi commercials.  Anyone know who
the agency is, or who to contact at Audi?  I'm fairly sure they'd love to
give away commercials to be digitized(great, mostly-free, publicity)

I'd be willing to boot my machine back into MacOS and digitize a whole
bunch, make quicktime movies, and post 'em on my server for access via/the
web...if only I could get them.  Could someone help me find them?

On another ad note, I'm looking for the original sales literature(booklets
etc) for the '87 5k series.  Extra points for the turbo model.


Brett Dikeman
dikemanb@stu.beloit.edu dikemanb@edison.ma.ultranet.com
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Te audire non possum.  Musa sapientum fixa est in aure.