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RE: Manuals/Bentley vs. Haynes

Brett wrote:

	>Yes, but on the other hand, the Haynes tried, in under 200
pages the 5000:
	>-manual(and all variations of both!)
	>1983 through 1998

Maybe we have different edition of Haynes, but mine does not cover
quattro or diesel versions. I doubt if there are serious differencies
between S and CS models, as well as between 83 through 88 model years.

	>What were they thinking?  The Bently does a _fair_ job at
keeping you
	>straight on what notes are for what models/years, but the
Haynes is
	>horrible.  I remember, before I got my Bently set, looking in
the Haynes to
	>try and find the hydraulic fluid container.  Good luck.  The
(ONE!) picture
	>in the manual showed a 1984(?) 5000-non-turbo-quattro

There's a detailed drawing of the container, showing all the inside
parts. There's no difference between model years, quattro and turbo
regarding this part.

	>I consider my Haynes manual a worthless piece of crap.  Good
and that's
	>about it.
	>You know it's bad when...
	>...the first few pages contain a

	>guide :)
	>I also enjoyed the section on setting stupid Americans straight
on what a
	>"torch" is :)_

Brett, I don't want to insult anyone, nor to start any international
battle, but in country where a person won a court case against McDonald
for serving too hot coffee (she was stupid enough to hold the cup
between legs while driving the car and she scalded herself), I can
understand the publisher being a little over-protective ;-)
I'm not saying that Haynes is better than Bentley, I understand that the
factory manual is a factory manual, period, and even number of pages
speaks for itself, but even a not too good manual is better than no
manual at all. Haynes has helped me many times, let take the wiring
schematics alone. Consider the price issue, too, I got my Haynes for 20
bucks or so and for a Benley I'd prolly have to pay at least $100 more.
I also have Haynes for the Renault and it was very helpful in repairing
the other car in family.

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)