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Good work by VA dealer

Some weeks ago, I posted a query on the List about HBL the Audi, Merc and LR
dealers in Tysons Corner, N. VA. I got generally disparaging comments from at
least 3 listers. However I also received a private e-mail from Mark Hogan a
former lister who suggested that with a new service manger having been
appointed, I should give them another try.  I called this guy, John Streeter,
and told him my dilemma and what Mark had suggested.  He asked me to give them
a try.  And I did.

I had a few niggling problems including a need for a 15K for my '92 100Q
service. I had not been able to pin down a faulty O/S OAT read out and a seat
belt light that kept winking at me. The Bentley indicated that if it was not
the SINGLE sensor, it was the readout itself.  But the readout was functioning,
only the reading was wrong, so I thought the problem lay in the wiring.  I did
not run the test codes for lack of time, but I had replaced the sensor.

The seat belt light relay is marked on the wiring diagram, but is not included
on the listing for any of the 4 relay boxes.  And the chime seemed to come from
behind the speedo.

I am pleased to report that although the rectification of these and some other
problems took a week, they did everything I asked for, cleaned the car and gave
me a loaner, a 93 90.  Cost: $1100. Given the labor involved in removing the
dash, replacing the oat and seat belt modules, replacing the windscreen washer
bottle which I supplied, replacing the pan gasket, securing the right side
light, securing the inner front plastic wheel housing and the service - I think
this is reasonable.  So I am happy to recommend them.  Brian Cail the Audi
service admin guy is till hard to get hold of, but after talking with Streeter,
I think he is going to be more diligent about returning calls now.

I actually enjoyed driving the 90. The responsiveness of the I5 engine is so
much better than the slushy V6.  It does not have the quiet isolation of the A6
design and the stiffer chassis, but it reminded me of my 4000Q which I only
gave up to retain my sanity with a slush box.