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Re: Technik r'Us

At 11:10 PM 10/27/97 GMT, Phil Payne wrote:
>In message <2D4D1E1985@agcom.tamu.edu> "Al Powell" writes:
>> About vacuum tubes....wanna hear a very brave and foolish statement?
>> "I bet I'm the only one on this list who personally owns TWO vacuum 
>> tube testers!!"
>> It's true.....I do.
>> Now I'll find out Phil has one under his spare tire.....
>No more.  I used to own and maintain an idiosyncratic beast called a 
>'Hallicrafter'.  And I _did_ have a (one) vacuum tube tester.
>Thank heavens for integrated circuits! 
> Phil Payne
> Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club
>It feels so good to have company in our "collective" pursuits: Yes I have
the following LARGE objects in my garage: 1.  B&k model700 Dynamic Mutual
2.  Hickock Model534B Dynamic Mutual Conductance 3.. Thrifty Tyrantosauras
 purchased at a swapmeet many years ago, and sporting 120 sockets pin
and even a place to test your vibrator tube. No laughing please ,this is
for real.
For those who think these items are arcane exotica, there is a museum in
which houses a collection of antique vacuum cleaners. Dont ask me how I know.