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Loud Fuel Pump..So What...

Hi Folks,

     I didn't want to curse myself before my recent 16 day/ 7000 mile cross
country trip so I didn't say anything when the latest thread about loud
fuel pumps was on the air....but my fuel pump has been whining and purring
and whizzing for 70,000 miles (ever since I got the car 16 months ago).
The car now has 162,000 miles and while the rest of the rolling bag of shi*
appears to be failing prematurely, the fuel pump is hanging in there.  I
submit the following:  Fuel pumps fail, lots of them make noise, the noise
may not be an indicator of impending failure.  Mine will probably fail
tomorrow, but I think you're over-reacting to replace a part that is not
broken as has been suggested (with apologies to Andrew Duane).
     I know that my alternator will fail, but I'm not going to go out and
buy a new one today...hell; I could crash the car on the way home
tonight......hmmm, now there's an idea.....but I'm not sure that would be
any better than a can of gas and a match.  Well, gotta run out to Esso
now...see you in the funny papers.

90 90Q20v