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Tried the wastegate bypass

In message <3459C9A0.BD5B81F1@poboxes.com> Gerard writes:

> Just a quick question about this wastegate bypass. I saw the
> instructions for doing this, it was sent to me by a very helpful
> member of this list. The question is this, if one does this bypass
> thing to the wastegate, will the computer be getting the wrong
> boost pressure signals or will it still be informed of the correct
> boost as it happens?

What you're doing is feeding the same pressure to the top and bottom
of the wastegate diaphragm, thus nullifying its function.  The wastegate
will not lift to limit boost - the only thing between you and disaster
is the ECU's overboost protection function, which just switches off the
fuel pump.  Usually when you're halfway past a truck on a narrow road
and another vehicle has just appeared around the corner that's rapidly

Of course, once you've made this modification, anything that disables
the ECU's observation of boost pressure (blocked or frayed hose,
pressure transducer failure, etc.) will quite simply blow the engine
up.  You can achieve this effect even quicker by hot-wiring the fuel
pump relay.

Some people like to live dangerously ...

 Phil Payne
 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660