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FORWARD Directions
In a message dated 97-10-31 10:22:46 EST, you write:
<< As for needing my ass calibrated and pants zipped up, Scott, I have no
idea what >you are talking about. You are trying to sell a product, I have
no beef with that. >But, personal barbs? I'm just here to learn and visit.
> Remember, we can all be wrong. Wasn't but a few days ago that 500+ cfm was
>being tossed around based on "math". Funny, that number is now down in the
>400's. Which, when combined with the low egt's, makes it sound like maybe
>someone is on to something after all, huh? Goodness, could it be that
someone is >actually coming up with something that we could all benefit from?
Maybe if we >listen we will find out.
I suggest a read of the Trans Am car post, and put some math to that, what
does it tell YOU about the claims made on the street car turbo named desire.
I GAVE Eric the B.O.D. with 85% VE which at 2.79PR is 513CFM. Several
wanted a correction. I'm game. IN the grand scheme of things, the flow can
be 560 OR 460, it don't matter to me. You still aren't changing my baseline
argument. Now, before you say a different cold side on the RS2 makes it no
longer an RS2, consider this. 1) there are two versions of the RS2, both are
called RS2's by audi, porsche and kkk, the only difference is the supplied
cold side. 2) The cold side of either rock stock RS2 can be had from a
variety of sources as a kkk part number, it's not exclusive to THAT hot side
of the turbo. Think on that a minute.
My private post to you, Bruce was that outrageous claims divert good exchange
of information from happening. Bottom line is, claims HAVE to fit math,
denying that is denying physics, math, and excepted theorems and formulas for
Cumbustion Motors and Turbochargers. I personally would love this to go
FORWARD, but instead I'm stuck frustrated trying to PROVE that combustion
theory is NOT an assumption, but facts and formulas and solving for X. Given
a number, we can show what the MODS, VE, and ICE HAVE TO BE. When they don't
add up using basic (and I mean basic) physics, then someone needs to point
me, Dave, Dave, and a bunch of others what we did wrong. Until that happens,
we are mired in claims that don't add up.
You think you are frustrated? I am exponentially so, hence my calibrate
(Randall, Bruce) your respective asses posts. Fast means nothing to me, not
without a number. Someone took the challenge and posted one, I extrapolated
it, with math, that's all. I think me explaining basic math to a self
proclaimed racer is just plain silly, but put out 50pages of it without any
exception from anyone to the basics of it. So, sorry for the task
orientation, let me apologize to you publicly. IN Eric's defense, you,
Randall and Eric himself are going after the "exception". Hey fine, give the
math to show that's a valid argument. The talon, GN, turbo and engine tuner
listers that visit here are laughing their asses off at us right now. Let's
accept a few basics, if we can't this thread will die the same bully death a
lot of other threads have, all cuz someone has puffed the magic dragon.
Please. I answer all of your questions bruce, some off line, others that are
relevent, cc to the list. My claim: I am no guru, and full of crap, and a
wannabe. Happy to be that, cuz math has not shown me to be quite all that I
claim. Happy that. However, nor help some other folks claims here.
You and Randall have posed some good questions, all answered, as fast as I
can get them out. Still, they don't mean you disregard the math cuz you rode
in the car. I can go back to Ross Espisto thread for that. I'm willing to
discuss ANY of the 50 pages I've put on the list here. Correct my math. If
you can't, then ask legit questions to us all. There are several on this
list that can say the same thing I did. But prolly are reluctant to, cuz of
the posts Randall, Eric and even you have put forth. Few find teaching
physics and math 101 entertaining. I don't either, but happy to put forth
the effort to get this discussion OFF the outrageous and personal, into the
nitty gritty to make us all more educated on going faster.
Open to you and Randall and Eric and anyone else: Correct my math, then
let's move on. The faster the better.
Scott Justusson, RS2 wannabe
'87 5ktqwRS2
'87 5ktq
'86 5ktqw
'84 Urq