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RE: Audi cell phone code

Don't bother with the dealer.  The cell phone guy should be able to do
all he needs.  I had the same problem with the same car/phone and the
cell phone company took care of it all.  A decent shop will have the
right connector.  In my case though, I couldn't find a source for the
key to remove the transceiver (the installer even tried picking the lock
- I would have been impressed if it had worked).  He ended up taking the
backshell off his cable and I managed to get the exising connector off
the transceiver - only had to break off one of the attachment screws.  

If you find a source for the key, let me know.  I suspect they might all
be the same.

Frank Stadmeyer

>From: 	Phil and Judy Rose[SMTP:pjrose@servtech.com]
>Sent: 	Friday, October 31, 1997 11:15 PM
>To: 	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: 	Audi cell phone code
>My '91 200 has the factory cell phone. Thanks to Alan Breitman I  have a
>copy of the manual and I am ready to have the phone activated. I know the
>3-digit lock code, but the previous owner hasn't come up with the
>more-important 6-digit security code. According to Bentley, the code may be
>obtained by the dealer after plugging in a small test adapter; the code
>will come up on the phone display after a few keystrokes (see below).
>When I showed up at the Audi dealer's service desk to enquire about
>obtaining the 6-digit security code for the cell phone, the guy took some
>notes, asked me to wait and returned from the shop after few moments to
>state the following: "You'll need to bring it in and leave it for a
>morning. It'll take about an hour or so to do this."
>I exclaimed, "An hour?! Are you serious? The manual shows it as a few
>seconds job!"
> He says, "Well, it may _look_ that way in the manual, but the technician
>needs to hook up his computer equipment and blah, blah, blah..." Shrugs
>"Thanks", I says, and leaves. Shaking head.
>My belief is that the technician probably has not the foggiest notion of
>what is involved to do this job. Figures he'll have to sit down with the
>shop manual for at least half an hour. Of course then there's also the 1/2
>hour he'll spend trying to locate the test tool.
>The test "tool" appears to be a 25-pin (male/male) connector that I could
>wire up to do the job myself _if_ I had the info. Does anyone know if the
>Audi phone uses some "standard" Motorola test gizmo to get at the data
>stored in the transceiver? Maybe the phone company guy has the equipment
>needed, but one that I spoke to didn't seem very optimistic. I suspect it
>may specific to each car manufacturer.
>Anyway, if I show the following to my Audi dealer, I wonder will it make a
>difference (i.e., shame them into not hitting me for an hour's labor)?
>To access the 6-digit security code from Audi cellular phones--
>Diagnostic Test Command 55 # (see shop manual Vol. 3., section 91.60):
>step          action	                         estimated time
>1	Open trunk, insert key and turn to
>        unlock transceiver; slide unit
>        back about 6 inches	                 15 seconds
>2	Remove 25-pin power cord	         30 seconds
>3	Insert test tool [US 30844];reconnect
>        power cord                               30 seconds
>4	Switch ignition and phone ON	         20 seconds
>5	Press the # key once	                  5 seconds
>6	Press 5, 5, and #	                 10 seconds
>7	Press * key six times (to reach step 7
>        of programming test mode)	         10 seconds
>8       Read/record the 6-digit code from the
>        phone's display	                         15 seconds
>9	Turn off ignition	                  3 seconds
>10	Remove test tool; replace power cord     30 seconds
>11	Lock the transceiver, close trunk	 15 seconds
>total time		                          3 min. 03 sec
>In addition to actual time needed at the car, add one minute to walk to car
>in parking lot and one minute for returning to shop.
>Grand Total Time (est'd.):..................5 minutes 03 seconds.
>'89 100
>'91 200Q
>         **********************************************
>         *  Phil & Judy Rose     E-mail:              *
>         *                       pjrose@servtech.com  *
>         **********************************************