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very dumb questions

In message <TCPSMTP.> frankbauer@thevine.net writes:

>> Audi have recently starting imposing a 'minimum unit of issue' of 20.

> i'll bet my nearest dealer doesn't have 20 in stock...

I wasn't talking about dealers, I was talking about Audi.  Your dealer
can now (if sparing policies are uniform) order a minimum of 20.
Since they're only 30p each (48c) this isn't a great problem.

>> discard and replace them with a new one.

> how many (re)uses are typical?

We have lost four ur-quattros this year in the UK to engine bay fires.

On my car, typical use is once only.  On top of all the other things I
have to worry about, I can't sustain the effort of remembering which
of the washers on the metering head's five connections, the warm-up
valve's two connections and the frequency valve's outlet have been used
once or twice.  They come off and go straight onto the floor behind me.

 Phil Payne
 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660