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Mike Murphy asked:

>Anyone used the Alldata Personal Edition CD?  Any good?
>Just saw it at www.alldata.com/consumer/details.htm

Mike, I don't have the Audi version but I have one for my Chevy 
pickup.  Text information is pretty darn good, but it's very hard to 
work with the illustrations.

For some reason, the illustrations will NOT print out so you can 
carry them to the car...neither I nor my professional car guy friend 
in town (who has their library) can print the diagrams.  This is a 
major problem.

Also, the diagrams are a bit difficult to follow on-screen, since you 
end up having to scan left, right, up, down, etc. to follow them - 
and they are sometimes separated into sections which are require 
skipping around.

OTOH, the price is not bad, and if I had no manuals, this would 
definitely be worth it for the $$.  With a Bentley in hand, I have 
not opted to spend the money.

Al Powell                        Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      