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Clutch Master Cylinder Reservoir RHD vehicles

Date: Mon, 3 Nov 97 22:24:39 UT
From: "Ian J Haseltine" <Jim_Haseltine@classic.msn.com>
Subject: RE: Seeking auto to stick info
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From: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Phil Payne
>The reservoir outlet is capped in manual RHD cars as well - the clutch
>master cylinder is fed from a separate reservoir (not much bigger than a
>35mm film can) mounted behind the firewall.
And they crack around the bracket at the slightest provocation and cost

Jim Haseltine
88 Ur quattro

Yes, indeed, like me idly but gently leaning my hand on ours (Audi 90 '86)
last week - reservoir body cracked all over, but still (grasping timber)
holding fluid OK.
Was wondering about trying to get one secondhand, but no doubt most will
have the same malady - are this unique to 5cyl. RHD 90/coupe/quattro or does
anyone happen to know whether any other VAG vehicles have the same reservoir
( I am still full of admiration for the mechanic who changed this vehicle's
clutch  cylinder, in the depths of the pedal box, at very reasonable cost,
following fluid on the floormat syndrome - seemed to me an almost impossible
task. )

