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Radio in 200
Don asked about replacing the Bose radio in his 1991 200 with an
aftermarket radio, and is trying to get Crutchfield's asapter to work
with his Bose speaker/amp combination, and has alternator whine.
Don, I went through this a year ago...spent many hours playing with
the Crutchfield unit, and at least three hours on the phone with
their tech support.
I LIKE Crutchfield, OK? I think they're great. I buy stuff from
them. With that in mind, my advice:
RETURN the adapter for a refund. I had two, and they have never
gotten this unit to work correctly. Never. They know this, too.
The level of background hiss was unacceptably high with each unit.
Disconnect the Bose amps, front and rear.
Replace the Bose speakers with better speakers; the stock ones suck
and Bose compensates for it with equalization built into the amps at
each speaker. Bose does this on purpose.
Connect your aftermarket radio and let it drive the speakers, or use
outboard amps which are compatible with your speakers. The Bose
speakers are about 2 ohms each and DO NOT work with any standard
amplifiers. Bose does this on purpose.
Sound severe? It is. Bose designs this system so there is NO WAY to
make it sound good except replacing the whole thing. I'm doing that,
and adding dash speakers.
The option: put the Bose radio back in and live with it.
I'm an Audi fan, and a Crutchfield fan. My opinion of Bose is an
exercise for the reader.............
Al Powell Voice: 409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg. Fax: 409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843