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re: (long) '91 200q problems, error codes post, any ideas?

My '91 200q 20v turbo sedan, 3B engine started acting up today:

<My comments in "<>", otherwise from Bentley>

<Pulled codes:>

<Symptoms:  at part throttle, under 1 bar on guage, runs ok.  Anything over 1
bar, and over about 1/4 throttle, and the car bogs down, runs rich, and the
waste gate frequency valve clicks.  Almost seems to backfire.>

<To me, it seems as though there's a massive vacuum leak; unmetered air.
 Took off the Michellin Man hose, pressurized with shop vac, no leaks.>

<Note:  my waste gate frequency valve is slightly below spec in resistance;
thus the 4442 code.  Should I replace this first?  It ran fine until today,
even with the 4442 code.>

Bentley says:
air mass sensor, symptom goes into limp home mode.  Open circuit between (G
70) and (J 220). 
<The air mass sensor seems to be (G 70).  What is (J 220)?  The Motronic
control unit?>
Poor throttle response 
Failure during acceleration
<also yes>
Engine occasionally shuts off during start or while decellerating.
<has been harder to start the last few times; wouldn't start without pushing
throttle pedal.  This has happened before, usually when sitting for a while,
but not cold.  Never stalled.>

Signal wire to terminal 7 of (J 220) short circuited.

(G 70) defective.

(J 220) input for (G 70) defective.
<I went to repair group 24-160-1.  LED tester between terminal 1 of harness
and positive lighted.  Good. >
If LED tester lights up, determine break in wiring between terminal 37 of
control unit harness connector and terminal 5 of air mass sensor harness.
 Repair or replace as necessary.
<Before I start tearing things apart looking for a wiring break, any BTDT?>

Oxygen sensor control.  Control limit exceeded.  Control limit underexceeded.
<Seems to fit with a rich "limp home mode" from above.>

Waste gate frequency valve.

<unsuccessful attempt to start engine, disregard as key on, not engine when
running codes.>

<I tried to clear the codes:  went through them all, got the four long
flashes, jumped the test lead for four seconds, the light went out.  Shut off
ignition, turned it back on 6 seconds later, ran codes.  All the same.  I
thought this cleared them out?  Restarted engine with test light in place,
after several seconds, light comes on and stays on.>

Thanks for any help, Chris Miller, Windham NH, c1j1miller@aol.com