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Re: EGT, not relevent here - LONG

QSHIPQ@aol.com wrote:
> There are no posts objecting to the math, mine or Dave's.  So, no muddying of
> the waters there.  Change the numbers, hey we're both game, give 'em up,
> happy to plug and play.  Right now, with ALL the posts,  we can draw one of 3
> conclusions:  1) same flow can be had at a lower PR and higher DR, 2) the
> mods are not correct, or 3) the claim is not correct.  I can mathmatically
> PROVE 1) based on 2.79PR, so that leaves 2 or 3.  Eric, Randall, Bruce, YOU
> TELL ME.  I just did 1 above.  So far, all the ass calibration and "what
> if's" and I "ass calibrated the RS2" don't change 1, 2 or 3.  Sorry to each
> of you, and to the list for wasting bandwidth trying to get the
> understanding.  EGT?  Irrelevent to the Claim or Conclusions 1,2 or 3.
> I have been most accomodating of claims and exceptions to all combustion
> concepts.  A return of that favour appreciated.  Discussing EGT, is really
> pretty advanced for this discussion, irrelevent, and frankly Bruce, I don't
> think you have a firm grasp on it's implications to a turbocharged motor.
>  Again, not to judge, only some ponderance of the evidence for you.
Not to beat the dead horse, but I am comfused about things.

1.  A faster spinning turbo does not make more air flow?  Obviuosly,
there is a moment of peak efficiency for the turbo, and if you go beyond
that there is no gain.  At least that is what I think you meant. 
Correct me when I am wrong? :-)

2.  What is the optimal flow for an Audi 2.2l?  In a boosted engine can
you not flow as much air as you can compress until some point where the
head flies through the hood?  I would think that as much flow as you can
get you get more power.  Did F1 engines use (apples and oranges here)
unlimited boost.  Granted the engines were bombs at that point, but they
tried.  Had they known someone to help them, they might have used less
boost/more power.  If you must increase the boost significantly for very
little increase in flow, I would agree that the mod is wrong.  

3.  If you increase displacement, cfm of flow increases linearly?  If
you increase boost the cfm of flow increases linearly?  According to the
equations you used at least.  Then you look at the turbo maps and say,
"The RS2 is the ONLY turbo that works for the Audi 2.2l."  And then say
some other turbo, whose configuration you are not sure of, "that map is
not optimal for this engine."  Where did you find the map, I owuld like
to reference it so I can be privy to the info that you have at your
disposal.  When I see that then I will listen.  Until then all I can say
is that I saw the boost guage on Eric's car read what I posted

4.  One last aside.  In you calcualtions, you showed that there is some
increase in actual cfm over the k26 or RS2 with the mods Eric has done. 
If so then the fuel requirements must be higher that the RS2 and not
lower as inferred in your post.

Waiting for the corrections
