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Re: Intermitent stalling on decelaration

... I sent a direct e-mail response to Avi, and was going to copy it 
to you, but it looks like I'd already deleted it from my archives ...

There was some discussion on this recently on the list, and what was 
discussed was the fact that the car has a valve that bypasses the 
airflow sensor plate on decel while the idle switch is on and the RPMs 
are above a threshold.  This valve effectively shuts off the fuel to 
the engine on decel, reducing emissions and increasing fuel economy.  
The problem is that if the valve doesn't close soon enough the engine 
won't get the fuel it needs for idle and dies.  If this is your prob-
lem I would expect that the engine idles fine otherwise, it is just a 
problem on decel.  You could do another test where you don't com-
pletely release the throttle on decel, crack it open just a tiny bit 
to make sure the idle switch is still open.  My recollection of the 
list discussion was that this valve is located behind the air box 
and not easily located under the quarter panel.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)