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RE: 5ktqw test drive questions

Dan wrote:

	>1) with engine running, pump the pedal 4-5 times, the light and
	>buzzer come on.  Bomb?


	>3) Under heavy acceleration (ie floor it, shift quickly) I can
	>get 1st to almost redline, 2-4 though cut out between 3-4k
	>as if I was hitting the rev limiter.  This one I'm not sure

Ned Ritchie has a good troubleshooting guide on the 4K rpm cut out at
What's the maximum boost during acceleration? Maybe it's hitting the
boost limiter. Try pulling the codes after drive.

	>4) While rolling at 2mph, if I lightly touch the brakes, they
	>almost as if ABS was kicking in.  I did not check to see if ABS
	>working, though the ABS off switch works and the light goes off
	>when diff locks are engaged.

ABS should be non-operative at 2mph. Warped rotors?

	>5) I had noticed that the dash lights were very dim.  Adjusting
	>the rheostat helped a bit, but when I got back, I noticed the
	>battery light on.  Verified 10.75 volts with engine running.
	>Belt seems OK, so it needs an alternator.

Maybe it's just the regulator or there's a short circuit somewhere
eating lots of current. (When I switch on low beams, fogs, AC, stereo,
seat heaters and rear window defroster my voltage drops to about 11
volts at idle)

	>6) Trip computer does not seem to work.  The switch with the
	>arrows has no effect on the display.  Also, pushing the
	>button does not bring up a defroster light on the dash - is

If the display works, but is stuck in one mode I would simply suspect
the switch - contact cleaner should bring it back to life. The only
defroster indicator light is in the switch - a green triangle.
I think it is a bad deal, Dan, and anyone asking $5K for a car with this
amout of problems must be nuts (one could find a 5KTQW for $5K here in
East Europe, where Audis of this vintage are usually twice as expensive
as in US)

Aleksander Mierzwa
Warsaw, Poland
87 Audi 5000CS turbo (mine)
88 Renault Medallion wagon (mom's)
91 mountain bike (just in case both cars broke at the same time :-)