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Re: Radio in 200

Interesting. If you don't mind expanding on that comment, where would the $200 -
$250 go? Just wondering. I don't hate my Bose system, but then again, I'm no
zealot and wouldn't mind hearing of a monetarily efficient manner in which to
improve the sound system in my car. Geez, for an South Boston Irish PITA I
certainly know how to throw around some bull$h!t phrases.

Seriously though, was that cash range from experience? I thought the entire
system would have to be ripped out and replaced and would cost much more.

Sean Ford
sean@nwh.org                       '92 Audi 100CS 5spd 29K mi
Newton-Wellesley Hospital      '89 Suzuki Katana 600 14K mi
Newton, MA  02162 (USA)      http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Downs/5528

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey J. Goggin <audidudi@mindspring.com>

>However, being the reckless sort myself, I'll say it for him: In general,
>Bose stuff sucks!  No ifs, ands, or buts ... IMHO, anyone who has a Bose
>system in their Audi and more than $250 in their checking account should
>replace it immediately.  On second thought, make that $200...