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Re: Radio in 200

>From: Ralph Poplawsky <ralphp@cellport.com>
>I've installed my own systems before, for a lot more than $200.  IMHO, the
>Bose system is far superior to any of those.  It is also far superior to the
>factory system in my wife's ovloV 850T or any other car I have owned.
>in my '91 200TQ.  Anybody else out there confused??  

Yikes is right.  Having dealt with a Bose noisemaker in cars for the last 9
years (first in her '89 Honda Accord and then in my '91 200q)  I'm in Al
and Jeff's camp.  

Obviously musical tastes are subjective:  I like clean, open music.  At
home are KEF speakers and an older Yamaha amp, a Denon CD player.  My
litmus test:  first track of Flim & the BB's "Tricycle" -- many systems
fail (IMO) on that one, including the Bose in the Audi.  'nuf said there.  

IMO the Bose:
*  has too much bass
*  is inaccurate in mid-range and highs (they're not all there anymore)
*  tone controls do little but add hiss or muffle details
*  assumes you are stupid -- where's the balance control?
*  speakers seem to be of marginal quality--porous paper, easily damaged
(so on the Honda, appear to be so on the Audi).  
*  as Al noted, where is the tweeter?
Also, on the audi, 
*  the CD system an RF modulator based (crap)  [not a Bose issue]

Comparisons:  '94 Volvo wagon.  Nondescript system (factory), produces
clear sound, not boomy or muddled.  May be due to speaker placement:  four
speakers on the four doors, the two rear door speakers up high.  Big
drawback:  no CD (Volvo's just as bad as Audi here:  $600)

Caveat:  comparisons from one car to another are apples and oranges.  The
standard Audi system (non-Bose) in my dad's '92 100s is reasonably clean,
perhaps a bit weak.  OTOH, that car is much quieter riding than my quattro.
 Similarly, the Pioneer in my mom's Jetta is so-so, but that car is much
noisier than any other car I drive.  

I've said this before, I'll say it again:  My music money (assuming I ever
have any again) goes into the home system.  Temptations a few months back
yielded to logic when I realized the amount of time I spend in there just
didn't tickle the value equation for me

True music in the quattro is 20 valves at 6000 rpm :)

* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa                                                  *