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re: radio in 200
OK, so some of us seem to think kaka is OK. Anybody in the Denver area done
a Bose dump? If so let's get together and do an A/B comparison.
Ralph Poplawsky
At 02:56 PM 11/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>Ralph Poplawsky <ralphp@cellport.com> wrote:
>>I've installed my own systems before, for a lot more than $200. IMHO, the
>>Bose system is far superior to any of those. It is also far superior to the
>>factory system in my wife's ovloV 850T or any other car I have owned.
>>Furthermore, I am somewhat of an audio nut and musician and have some pretty
>>high-end stuff at home as a reference. Finally, my hearing is still very
>>good. So, I can't understand why I am pretty pleased with the Bose system
>>in my '91 200TQ. Anybody else out there confused??
>Okay, I'm confused. I'm an audio guy too, have lived in the shadow of the
>Mountain (Bose Corp hq), and sold their home audio stuff (along with the
>adcom and Nak gear and the Kef and ads speakers I *enjoyed* selling :) ).
>Personally, I think the Bose system in my '90 200T is crappo. The only way
>I can listen to it at all is to turn the bass all the way down, and the
>treble all the way up.
>I would *not* replace the head unit first, I would pull out the speakers
>and amps and put in a good set of ads or Boston Acoustic component speakers
>and a couple of ads amps. Put a 1 before your $200...this alone will run
>$1200 or more, depending on whether you do the work.
>I did exactly this on my last car. Since the Audi is my wife's daily
>driver, and she's happy with an am table radio...
>BTW, It's the speakers and their custom amps that give the unique Bose
>sound, not the head unit. The head unit is just a co-collaborator.
>I didn't listen carefully to the system before I bought the car...wouldn't
>have done anything different if I had. The system, though, IMCO, is pure
>But everyone's ears are different, so what sounds like kaka to me may sound
>acceptable to someone else...
>Just my .02