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coolant temp

In message <UPMAIL13.199711052128140421@classic.msn.com> "Ian J Haseltine" writes:

> From: 	owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net on behalf of Phil Payne

> >'Coolness' is not necessarily 'goodness'.  Engines are designed to run at a 
> >certain temperature.

> My MB runs (or appears to) much cooler than I think is correct. The temp 
> display rarely rises above half way to 'N', I've checked all the connections 
> and they appear ok and the sensors have different values when cold and hot.
> Stumped. The cool running has been much more obvious since I replaced the 
> head. Any ideas?

Replace the thermostat. Don't over-torque the bolts.
Get it to operating temperature, and throw it round a sharp left-hand 
bend.  And I do mean _THROW_ - as in chuck, heave, whatever - the movement
has to be violent and sustained.  If the top three elements of the LCD display
flash momentarily - bleed the system.   MBs are best filled when parked facing 
down a slight slope - the brass bolt on top of the main radiator should be 
loosened to bleed the system.
(For your second task - try and find a part number for the brass bolt.) 

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club