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Re: Troubleshooting Multimeter Choices
The Mac Tools Dealers may still be selling the Tektronix
ET330 Automotive DMM which has all of features listed below
for ~$200-225. They may also have the ET2020, a dual trace
portable digital oscilloscope/DMM with pre-programmed
automotive setups, ~$1500-2200 Yikes........Glad I was
given one for developing all those automotive
setups.......these products may be in limited supply.
Call 1-800-MAC-TOOL or contact your local Mac Tool truck
dude for more info.
The Fluke 78 is also a nice automotive meter, not cheap
~$225-280 but it has AC/DC volts, AC/DC current,
continuity, resistance, Frequency, Duty cycle, Dwell, RPM
(with optional pickup), Temperature in C or F. Min/Max
recording, Analog Bar Graph...yada....yada.....yada....
The regular Fluke 70 series DMM's are very nice too
$100-175, they don't have the duty cycle feature though.
The 80 series DMM's have the Duty cycle but are priced
The Fluke 88 is their top end automotive DMM but IMHO, at
$450, the regular Fluke 87 is a better meter (accuracy
etc. ) for less $$, ~$380. General Motors recommends the
The Fluke 98 ScopeMeter is another choice if you want an
portable oscilloscope/DMM. Again the price is up there at
$2000-2800. Call Fluke at 1-800-443-5853 for more info.
Scott M.
Former Tektronix AutoScopeDevelopingHotAirMarketingDude
> From: Bob D'Amato <mx@snet.net>
> To: Frederic Breitwieser
> Cc: Peter Schulz <schulz@iatcmail.ed.ray.com>;
quattro@coimbra.ans.net; audi-20v@avs.com
> Subject: Re: Troubleshooting Multimeter Choices
> Date: Tuesday, November 04, 1997 7:19 AM
> Frederic Breitwieser wrote:
> >
> > >(Ok, I know apples vs. oranges. The Fluke can't
measure dwell or
> > >RPMs)
> >
> > Yes, but most auto stores sell $30 dwell/RPM meters for
that purpose... I'd
> > prefer a good quality meter like a Fluke, plus the
seperate dwell/RPM meter
> > for that specific purpose. I drop things, like my two
flukes, and never
> > had a problem with them.
> >
> > Though I haven't driven over it. Yet.
> >
> I have the fluke scopemeter 99, and its great! I wouldnt
trade it for
> anything. Its really durable as well, which as you state,
is important
> to me as well.
> Bob